*CAT_pluginsV0.tgz: -V0.1: first version on 18/12/2013 -V0.2: improvement of the display of the panels on 22/12/2016 -V0.3: compilation with AdoptOpenJDK on 07/11/2019 *UpdateActionV0.tgz: -V0.1: first version on 09/07/2013 -V0.2: slight modifications on 11/09/2013: to take into account INTEGER type in the UpdateActionV0 plugin+addition of some complementary controls +display of the complete version of the plugin as a tooltip on the panel -V0.3: on 16/04/2014: add an open and a save button to load and save data displayed to a text file +add a control to replace reserved characters " and ' -V0.4: improvement of the display of the panels on 22/12/2016 -V0.5: compilation with AdoptOpenJDK on 07/11/2019 +change label of a specific field in red if the field is mandatory +change the tooltip and the default value if a default is defined for the specific field -V0.6: little improvements (transparent for user) on 07/07/2020 -VO.7: a bug correction in zoom panel on 21/07/2021 and each \n in text fields is changed by a new line in the zoom panel *Stats_pluginsV0.tgz: -V0.1: first version on 22/12/2016 -V0.2: compilation with AdoptOpenJDK on 07/11/2019 *ExtractActionListByObjectV0.tgz: -V0.1: first version on 13/01/20 -VO.2: in some text fields (in action specific fields and tcomment and operator): each \n character is changed by a new line on 21/07/2021 *SearchFieldValueInactionsV0.tgz: search in base actions in the corresponding field the corresponding value for tests with status='Reference' -V0.3: first online version on 30/08/2021: search in specific and common/generic fields; wildcard * can be used to search in values for string fields; empty value in "Action field value" returns all values of the corresponding field